
(WallPaper) #1
Working example

A short-distance flight test was conducted
for Encarsia formosa(J.C. van Lenteren and
co-workers, unpublished data). The flight
ability was compared between parasitoids
emerging from old or new pupae, and the
data obtained were as in Table 20.2.
So the tvalue is:

which is greater than 1.96. Thus, the flight
ability of E. formosa significantly differs
between parasitoids emerging from old and
new pupae.

Studying the Relationship Between a

Regular Quantitative Trait and a


Sometimes, both a quantitative trait and a
percentage are estimated simultaneously
with data from one sample. In this situation,
since the quantitative trait is measured on all

individuals separately but these individuals
are used all together to estimate the percent-
age, a real correlation cannot be estimated
between the two traits. What can be done
instead is to compare the two average values
of the quantitative trait computed after split-
ting the sample according to the binomial
trait expressed as a percentage. For example,
suppose that both the sex of adults and their
longevity are quantified. The comparison
can be done by comparing the males’ and
females’ average longevity. In order to do
this, the whole sample must first be split
according to the two categories from which
the binomial trait is studied. Then the two
subsamples obtained are described for the
quantitative trait measured with standard
descriptive parameters (i.e. n, x–, σx) and a
graph can be produced showing the distribu-
tion summaries of the two subsamples.
Finally, the tvalue is computed:

where n 1 , x– 1 , σ 12 are the descriptive parame-
ters of the first subsample, and n 2 , x– 2 , σ 22 are
those of the second subsample. If the
obtained value is greater than 1.96, there is a
significant difference between the average
values of the quantitative trait between the
two subsamples, at a probability level of 5%.
This test is valid only if the sizes of the two
subsamples (n 1 and n 2 ) are both greater than
or equal to 30.

Working example: is there a difference in
adult longevity between males and females in

Both the sex ratio and adult longevity were
quantified for T. brassicae. Thirty females and
30 males were measured. For all of them, the
number of days that adults remained alive
was quantified. The data obtained were:









t =



145 30 23 53 39
83 62 69 76

3 192


312 E. Wajnberg

Sex ratio

Adult mortality







cc + d

a+ b

a+ c b+ d a+ b + c + d
Fig. 20.5.Contingency table for relationship
between sex ratio and adult mortality.

Table 20.2.Results of short-distance flight test.

Flight No flight Total

Old pupae 30 39 69
New pupae 53 23 76
Total 83 62 145

Longevity of females in days:

1615 9 271915201912 7 1716162426
17 16 15 10 2 10 14 15 9 19 18 21 23 17 11
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