
(WallPaper) #1

Natural enemiescontinued
parasitization efficiency of mass-reared
natural enemies 125
pathogen infections of natural enemies
predation efficiency of mass-reared natural
enemies 124–125
selection and evaluation of natural enemies
182–183, 192
size and reproductive success in
specialist natural enemies and non-target
risks 192, 198, 201
thelytoky, definition 150
unisexual reproduction of natural enemies
unisexual wasps in biological control 93–106
wasp size and fitness 237–240
worldwide use of 1, 3
see risk assessment
Neoplectanaspp. 139
Neoseiulusspp. 4, 136, 140–141, 169, 171, 174–175,
177, 186, 268, 291–296
N. (Amblyseius)barkeri141, 169, 175
N. bibens 141
N. (Amblyseius)californicus4, 169, 171, 175,
268, 291–292
N. (Amblyseius)cucumeris4, 141, 169, 171,
174–175, 177, 268, 292–294
N. (Ambyseius)degenerans 171, 268, 295–296
see also Amblyseius
Neozygitissp. 141
Nosemaspp. 145–146, 148, 149–150, 152, 153, 154,
N. apis 156
N. aporivora 149
N. bombi 156
N. bordati 150
N. coccinellae 145–146, 148
N. epilachnae 153
N. hippodamiae 146, 148
N. mesnili149–150
N. muscidiirufuracis 152
N. polyvora149–150
N. pyrausta 154
N. tracheophila 146
N. varivestis 153
Nucleopolyhedroviruses 252–259
Nutrition of natural enemies 59–67, 115–127, 237
amino acids in host and parasitoid 237
artificial diets for natural enemies 116–118
composition of insect diets for artificial
rearing 117
composition of non-insect diets for
artificial rearing 118
artificial rearing of natural enemies 115–127
carbohydrates, their role in parasitoids 60, 64

dietary requirements of parasitoids 60
extra-floral nectaries 62
facultative consumers of plant-derived
food 59
feeding status and host foraging 61, 67
floral nectaries 62
food 60–61, 67
deprivation and reduced host searching
61, 67
and egg maturation of parasitoids 60
its importance in biological control
60–61, 67
increase of effectiveness of natural
enemies 67
supplements for mass rearing 61, 67
honeydew 59, 61, 62, 64, 65
honeydew–ant mutualism 62
honeydew and performance 65
inferior food for parasitoids 65
host feeding and egg maturation of
parasitoids 60
nectar 59–61
obligatory consumers of plant-derived food
plant-derived food for natural enemies 59
plant-derived food for parasitoids 60–67
plant fruits 59, 61
plant tissue 59
pollen 59–60
sugar 60–67
composition of sugars 63–64
effect on longevity 65
phloem sugar composition 64
sugar feeding and parasitoid fitness
sugar-source characteristics 62–64
sugar sources, ecological functions
sugar water 61
taste perception of sugars by natural enemies
Nygmia phaerorrhoea 235

OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development) 193, 195, 201
Opiusspp. 4, 153, 169, 186
O. (Biosteres)longicaudatus 153
O. pallipes4, 169
Oriusspp. 4, 120, 121, 122, 124, 170, 171, 174, 178,
184, 187, 268, 296–297
O. albidipennis170, 268, 296–297
O. insidiosus 4, 124, 170, 171, 174, 268,
O. laevigatus 4, 120, 121, 122, 170, 171, 174,
268, 296–297
O. majusculus 4, 170, 171, 268, 296–297

322 Index

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