Computational Systems Biology Methods and Protocols.7z

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Table 1
The general key algorithms used in machine learning

Methods Description URL
C4.5 It is an algorithm used to generate a decision tree
as an extension of earlier ID3 algorithm, and
the decision trees can be used for classification

PageRank It is an algorithm used to rank websites by
Google search engine results underlying an
assumption that more important websites are
likely to receive more links from other
websites [24]

K-means It aims to partitionNsamples intoKgroups
where each sample belongs to the group with
the nearest mean, serving as a prototype of the
sample group [25]

Apriori It identifies the frequent individual items in the
database and extending them to larger and
larger item sets as long as those item sets
appear sufficiently often in the database [26]

EM The expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm is
an iterative method to find maximum
likelihood or maximum posteriori estimates of
parameters in statistical models, where the
model depends on unobserved latent variables

AdaBoost It is a machine learning meta-algorithm used in
conjunction with many other types of learning
algorithms to improve their performance. The
individual learners can be weak, but as long as
the performance of each one is slightly better
than random guessing, the final model can be
proven to converge to a strong learner [28]

KNN It is a nonparametric method used for
classification and regression, where the input
consists of thekclosest training examples in
the feature space and the output depends on
whether KNN is used for classification or
regression [29]

Naive Bayes They are a family of simple probabilistic classifiers
based on applying Bayes’ theorem with strong
(naive) independent assumptions between the
features [30]

Revisit of Machine Learning Supported Biological and Biomedical Studies 187
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