Computational Systems Biology Methods and Protocols.7z

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BWA-MEM. BWA-MEM is generally recommended for high-
quality queries, as it is faster and more accurate. But be aware that
BWA and any other aligners may still introduce misalignments,
especially in reference genome regions with repetitive or homolo-
gous sequences.
The alignment process will generate a SAM file containing the
alignment information that can be immediately converted to BAM,
which is the binary identity of SAM. This BAM file is usually
disordered and should be sorted and then indexed. The most
commonly used tool to sort and index BAM files is Samtools
[14], and there exist some other tools that can sort BAM faster.
For example, Sambamba [15] is a high performance tool working
with SAM/BAM data. Sambamba is written in D language, and its
source is available at:
After BAM file is sorted and indexed, an optional process is to
apply realignment to improve the detection of insertions and dele-
tions (INDELs). Some tools like ABRA [16] can perform
assembly-based realignment to output cleaner INDELs, but these
tools are usually slow. Quality control of BAM files can be applied
now to evaluate the data’s alignment quality and detect unwanted
biases. This process can be done with tools like Qualimap [17].
The subsequent process is deduplication. Samtools rmdup and
Picard MarkDuplicates ( are com-
monly used to identify and collapse read duplication based on
reads’ mapping coordinates and quality scores. Since cfDNA frag-
ments are short and their length distribution is compactly close to
167 bp, lots of reads derived from different original DNA frag-
ments may share identical mapping coordinates, and they should
not be considered as duplication. So we do not suggest using
Samtools rmdup or Picard MarkDuplicates for deduplication, and
we will discuss new methods and strategies in the next section.
Variant calling is the key process following the BAM operations
(sort, realign, dedup). Cancer genomes are known to harbor a wide
range of mutations, including single nucleotide variants (SNVs),
multiple nucleotide variants (MNVs), small insertions and deletions
(INDELs), and complex variants, such as copy number variants
(CNVs) and gene fusions. A number of variant callers, such as
GATK HaplotypeCaller [18], FreeBayes (
ekg/freebayes), MuTect2 [19], and VarScan2 [20], can be used
to call SNV, MNV, and small INDELs. According to our experi-
ence, GATK HaplotypeCaller and FreeBayes are not good at calling
ctDNA’s low-frequency somatic mutations from ultra-deep
sequencing data, since they are originally designed for genotyping
and discovering genetic polymorphism. MuTect2 is much better in
calling somatic mutations, especially with tumor-normal paired
data. However, it just works well with tissue sequencing data but
is not sensitive enough to detect low-frequency mutations in
ctDNA sequencing data. VarScan2 is very sensitive in detecting

Bioinformatics Analysis for Cell-Free Tumor DNA Sequencing Data 73

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