Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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Text Black Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete#175 Dtp: 229 Page: 8^

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Container gardening is far from a new invention.
Humans have been growing plants in vessels since
soon after the Neolithic Revolution thousands
of years ago. While the methods and materials
we use have certainly changed over the years,
our intent has not. We continue to grow plants
in containers to provide food and beauty for
ourselves and those we love.
At the beginning, humans who grew plants
in pots may have done so to overcome adverse
soil conditions, more carefully tend a highly
treasured medicinal plant, or focus irrigation
needs on a smaller area in places where water
was scarce. Today’s gardeners, however, have a far
more diverse list of reasons for growing plants in
containers. Yes, many of us still use containers to
avoid having to garden in soil with poor drainage,
contaminants, or lousy fertility, and we still use
them to grow coveted plants. But we also grow
plants in containers to save time and space,
reduce weeding and other chores, beautify our
living spaces, and show off our creativity and
sense of personal style.
Container gardening allows us to grow our
own fresh food, even in a very limited space, and
it affords a level of flexibility not found when
growing these plants in the ground. With container
gardening, we can feed our families without ever
having to turn the sod, spread wheelbarrows

of mulch, or fire up even a single piece of gas-
powered equipment. Heck, you don’t even have to
own a shovel to grow plants in containers.
We’re also gardening in pots for purposes
beyond ourselves. We’re designing plantings to
attract and support butterflies, bees, and other

There are many reasons to grow plants in containers,
including avoiding soil conditions that are less than
ideal, saving space, reducing gardening chores,
growing food, or perhaps just because you want to
grow something beautiful.

Container gardens can be designed to provide habitat
and food for pollinators, such as this great spangled
fritillary butterfly.

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