Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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10 Introduction

pollinators, and we’re filling containers with
nectar plants for hummingbirds and berries for
songbirds. We’ve come to recognize that habitat
container gardening is a wonderful way to help
all sorts of wildlife, without requiring a lot of
space or effort.
The point is, whether you’re gardening in a
suburban neighborhood, on the balcony of an
urban high-rise, or at the end of a long country
lane, you can grow a broad diversity of plants in
pots. And truth be told, you can do it for whatever
reasons you’d like.
But growing a thriving container garden
requires more than simply filling a container
with dirt and sticking a couple of plants in it.
Paying careful attention to container choice, soil
composition, plant selection, and maintenance
needs always pays off in spades, increasing your
chances of having a healthy, productive container

garden. That’s where Container Gardening Complete
comes in. The purpose of this book is to hand you
all the tools you’ll need to make smart choices
and filter through the myriad options available to
today’s gardeners.
Within these pages, you’ll first learn about the
three pillars of successful container gardening
and the critical role they play in ensuring your
success. You’ll learn how choosing the right
container influences plant growth and how to
blend the best mixture of potting soil to fill it.
These basics are covered in depth in the first
chapter, setting the stage for advice on properly
siting your container garden to optimize growth.

Growing edible plants such tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and many others in containers requires much less eort
than building and maintaining an in-ground garden, especially if you utilize the advice oered in this book.

In these pages you’ll discover dozens of plants
perfectly suited to container culture, and you’ll learn
plenty of tips for arranging them in an aesthetically
pleasing way.

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