Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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118 chapter 2

1 ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)
3 Dragon Wing™ begonias (Begonia x hybrida
‘Dragon Wing Pink’)
2 swirl-leaf Rex begonias (Begonia ‘Escargot’)

For gardeners who complain about having too much shade, this one’s for you! This striking combination of plants is
very bold, but it thrives in even the densest shade. There are only three plants in this container, but it’s lush and full
of interesting textures and leaf forms.

Design tip: This combination of plants looks great
when partnered with a dark container. Choose black,
slate blue, or dark gray to really make the plants “pop.”

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Designing and Planting Your Containers 119

1 climbing begonia vine (Cissus
discolor/Cissus javana)
1 variegated Ti plant (Cordyline
fruticosa ‘Kiwi’)
1 parakeet flower (Heliconia
psittacorum x spathocircinata)

Design tip: The climbing
begonia vine in this design can
both tumble down over the front
of the container and grow up a
lattice, trellis, or fence placed
behind the pot. The vining tendrils
will ramble up the parakeet flower
plant too, so you’ll have to trim
them from time to time to
keep them from taking over.

Another lush and lovely trifecta
of plants for the shade! This
combination relies primarily on
its unique foliage (though the
parakeet flower is really cool
when it blooms). Each of these
plants can be grown indoors all
winter long at the end of the
growing season, provided they
have enough light. The spiller in
the container is one of my all-time
favorite ornamental plants for
container gardening—a climbing
begonia vine (not a begonia at
all, but a relative of the grape).
Choose a tall container for this
combination to really show o‚
the vine.

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