Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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122 chapter 2

1 purple plectranthus (Plectranthus ‘Mona
2 Purple Charmed® Wine shamrocks
(Oxalis hybrid ‘Charmed Wine’)
1 creeping wire vine (Muehlenbeckia axillaris)
1 pink cuphea (Cuphea ramosissima
‘Cuphoric Pink’)

Design tip: To keep the plants in any container
design in proper proportion with the container itself,
be prepared to do some trimming and pinching
throughout the season.

1 Japanese spotted laurel (Aucuba japonica
‘Gold Dust’)
3 caladiums (Caladium cultivars)
3 Rex begonias (Begonia rex cultivars)

Design tip: This design would also look nice with
an added spiller plant. If you’d like to include a few
plants to cascade over the edge of the container,
consider using silver falls, creeping Jenny (Lysimachia
nummularia), or white or pale pink bacopa
(Sutera cordata).

I love the soft, rustic blue of this container partnered
with the pink, tropical-looking caladiums and the
striking variegation of the begonia. The top-tier plant
has interesting speckled foliage, too, helping give this
container design an extra punch.

This cute pot is an excellent example of a thriller-
filler-spiller design. The purple stems of the thriller
plant, plectranthus, are highlighted by the purple
leaves of the shamrock plant, and the balance and
simplicity of the design are quite nice.

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1 swamp milkweed (Asclepias
3 pink pentas (Pentas
3 ornamental oreganos
(Origanum rotundifolium
‘Kent Beauty’)
3 artemisia (Artemisia stelleriana
‘Silver Brocade’)

Design tip: Using butterfly larval
host plants in your container
garden is an excellent idea. Other
good caterpillar plants to include
in your container garden are dill,
violets, lupine, borage,
and fennel.

This combination of plants was
put together specifically to attract
butterflies. The soft colors of the
plants in this container are a bit
dierent from the bright color
combos typically seen in butterfly
gardens. The monarch’s sole larval
food source, milkweed, serves
as the central thriller plant. It’s
surrounded by another butterfly
host plant, Artemisia, which is
a larval host for American lady
butterfly caterpillars. These are
layered with two other plants
selected for their nectar quality
as well as for their beauty.

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