Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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136 chapter 3

You may think all this doesn’t matter for
container gardens, since the root system is
contained in a small area, but if you use a 50/50
blend of compost and potting soil to fill your
containers, quite the opposite is true. The compost
in your containers is alive with beneficial soil
organisms. Plus, compost contains myriad macro-
and micronutrients essential for plant growth.
Science has shown us that encouraging healthy,
biologically active soil is the best way to promote
optimum plant growth, even when plants are
growing in containers.
Nevertheless, there are times when our
container-grown plants need more nutrition,
such as when the nutrients contained in the
compost are depleted or unavailable. For those
times, there are a number of easy-to-use natural
fertilizers that do an excellent job of feeding the
soil. These fertilizers are derived from assorted
combinations of naturally-sourced materials,
and they can readily be added to containers
throughout the growing season. An added
benefit of using these natural fertilizers is that
many of them contain trace nutrients, vitamins,
amino acids, and plant hormones that aren’t
usually noted on the label and are rarely found
in chemical fertilizers. These compounds act as
natural growth enhancers and play a vital role in
the health and vigor of plants.

Reading the Label
When shopping for fertilizers, spend some time
reading the labels. Natural fertilizers have four
main ingredient sources.

  1. Plant materials. These are fertilizer
    ingredients derived from plants. A few
    examples include corn gluten meal, alfalfa
    meal, kelp meal, and cottonseed meal.
    2. Manure materials. You may also see
    pelletized poultry manure, dehydrated cow
    manure, cricket manure, bat guano, and
    worm castings or worm “tea” on the label of a
    natural fertilizer.
    3. Animal byproducts. Fertilizer components
    found in this category are often derived from
    the byproducts of our food industry. They
    include things like fish emulsion, bone meal,
    feather meal, blood meal, and crab meal.

Dehydrated cow and poultry manure can be found
in bags at your local garden center, but it’s also
a common ingredient in many natural granular
fertilizer blends.

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Caring for Your Containers 137

  1. Mined minerals. Natural fertilizers for
    plants may also include mined minerals,
    such as greensand, rock phosphate, crushed
    limestone, and sulfate of potash.

Using fertilizers containing a combination of
these ingredients is a terrific way to feed your soil
when nutrients become depleted and adding more
compost isn’t an option.
Before choosing any type of fertilizer for your
container garden, however, it’s important for you
to understand the numbers you see on the label.
In addition to listing their ingredients, natural
fertilizers also state their N-P-K ratio somewhere
on the bag. This ratio exhibits the percentage
by weight of three macro-nutrients—nitrogen,
phosphorous, and potassium. For example, a
bag of 10-5-10 holds 10% N, 5% P, and 10% K.
The remaining 75% of the bag’s weight is filler
products. For natural-based fertilizers, the
numbers in the N-P-K ratio are often smaller (2-
3-2 or 1-1-6, for example). This is due to the fact
that the label percentages are based on levels of

immediately available nutrients, and many of the
nutrients in natural fertilizers are not available
immediately upon application; it takes some time
for the soil microbes to process these nutrients
and release them for plant use. Although this
may seem like a disadvantage, natural fertilizers
release their nutrients gradually, serving as a
slow-release fertilizer.
It’s also important to understand how plants
use these different macronutrients.
Nitrogen is a component of the chlorophyll
molecule, and it promotes optimum shoot and
leaf growth. Adding a fertilizer high in nitrogen
(such as 6-2-1 or 10-5-5) to a fruiting or flowering
plant, such a tomato or a petunia, will result in
excessive green growth, often at the expense of
flower and fruit production. But adding it to a
green, leafy vegetable plant, such as spinach or
lettuce, makes much more sense.
Phosphorus, on the other hand, is used for
cell division and to generate new plant tissue. It
promotes good root growth and is used in fruit
and flower production. Phosphorous is particularly

Commercially available granular fertilizer blends are a
great way to add nutrition to your container garden.

Carefully read the labels of any fertilizers you use in
your container garden. Pay special attention to both
the N-P-K ratio of the product and the ingredient list
to determine if it’s the right fertilizer for your needs.

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