Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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Caring for Your Containers 163

As with all things gardening, there are a
hundred different ways to complete a project,
and staking your plants is no exception. There’s
no right or wrong way to do it, as long as the end
result maintains the plants’ natural form and habit
without making it look restricted or soldierly. This
page shows some great ideas for staking, caging,
and trellising your container garden.
In addition to using commercially made plant
stakes, cages, and trellises, it’s also fun to use
natural materials to build support structures for
plants. It’s easy to build a teepee made from tree
branches and vines and place it over a container
to support the pea crop growing there. Here’s a
project that uses a recycled container and natural
materials to grow a hearty harvest of pole beans.

Wooden ladders make great trellises. Place them over
containers filled with vine crops, like these pole beans,
and you’ll soon discover it makes harvesting a snap.

While white PVC pipes aren’t necessarily pretty,
they sure do make versatile, inexpensive, and sturdy
trellises. This gardener built super-sturdy cages out
of PVC pipe and surrounded his containerized tomato
plants with them.
If there’s nothing in your container for a plant to
climb, try placing the container in front of a wall with
a trellis attached to it. This mandevilla plant is quite
happy to cover the wall behind it with flowers.

Wooden trellises and cages are excellent choices
for supporting plants in your container garden. With
a little finesse, you, too, can build custom wooden
trellises like this one to fit a particular size and shape
of container.

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