Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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chapter 4


There will be times when things don’t go as
planned in your container garden. Plants might
not perform as well as you’d hoped, combinations
might look more gaudy than expected, or
vegetable plants might not produce a single edible
morsel. Don’t worry; it happens to everyone. Keep
growing and focus on the things that did work.
The goal of this chapter is to walk you through
some of the troublesome issues you may face in
your container garden, and provide you with all
the tools you’ll need to quickly overcome them.
First, I’ll introduce you to several of the
common pest insects you might encounter,
with physical descriptions and photographs of
each pest, along with multiple easy-to-employ
control tactics for dealing with them. But I’ve also
included photos and descriptions of some of the
good bugs you’re likely to find. These beneficial
insects play a huge role in the health of your
plants and should be encouraged. Next, I’ll cover
twelve of the more common plant pathogens
and ways to combat them, along with several
physiological disorders that are easily remedied by
tweaking the way you care for your containers.

Keep in mind that for new gardeners, one of
the easiest ways to limit potential problems is to
start small. Don’t plant forty containers your first
year, and don’t spend a ton of money on fancy
containers. Instead, focus on growing a handful
of plants in recycled containers. The beginner’s
project that follows is a great way to dip your toes
into the world of container gardening without
feeling overwhelmed.

Beautiful containers like this one are the result of
much trial and error. Sometimes things don’t go as
planned, but don’t let that stop you from trying to
grow the best container garden you can.

With any luck, you’ll discover far more pollinators, such
as this green metallic sweat bee, and other beneficial
insects in your container garden than you do pests.

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