Container Gardening Complete

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Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete
Job:06-700309 Title: CPS - Container Gardening Complete

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22 chapter 1

is especially true if you use a high-quality potting
mix like the ones introduced later in this chapter.
All of this translates into a basic equation: bigger
containers = greater soil volume = less watering.
Of course there are other factors that influence
this equation too, including how “thirsty” a
particular plant is, how much sun the pot
receives, whether or not the container is made
of a porous material, and if the pot is subjected
to drying winds. But, generally speaking, the
larger the pot, the less frequently it needs to be

watered. I’ll cover all the details on watering your
container garden in Chapter 3, but this basic rule
of thumb is an important one to remember when
choosing a container.
The best size for a container is also obviously
closely tied to the mature size of the plant itself.
If you’re growing a small lettuce plant (Lactuca
sativa), for example, a container that holds one or
two gallons of potting mix is more than enough
room for the plant’s roots. But, if you’re growing a
large tropical hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) or a fig

Because large containers hold a bigger volume of moisture-holding potting soil, they generally
require less frequent irrigation than smaller containers.

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Getting Started 23

tree (Ficus carica), you’ll need a far larger container.
Though some trial and error is required to figure
out the ideal container size for each specific plant
(or collection of plants) it’s always better to have a
pot that is too big rather than too small.
I recommend using the plant-specific guidelines
found on the next page when selecting plants
for your container. The container sizes found in
this list hold the minimum soil volume needed
by that particular plant. If you plan to combine
different plants together into the same pot, then
you’ll need to add these measurements together to
ensure there’s enough room to produce an ample
root system. For example, if you want to combine
a tomato plant (Solanum
lycopersicum) with a pepper plant
(Capsicum spp.) and a few herbs,
you’ll need a container that
holds at least 20 to 28 gallons of
potting mix.
Obviously, the specific
variety of any given vegetable
is also closely tied to the size
container it will need, so these
are guidelines, not rules; there’s
no doubt you’ll need a far bigger
pot for a standard-sized tomato
than you will for a determinate
or dwarf-type tomato, but it’s
still best to err on the side of
a larger container. Because

of the great amount of variation among specific
varieties of plants, the next chapter delves deeper
into the subject of pot size by introducing you to
specific varieties of fruits and vegetables that were
purposefully bred to be grown in containers. These
selections are smaller in stature and have more
compact growth, making them perfect choices for
container gardeners who want to save space by
using smaller pots or by growing more plants in
each container. Combining the information below
with the varietal information in the next chapter
provides you with everything you’ll need to make
an informed decision about the best selection of
plants to include in any particular pot.

The best container to use for any
particular plant is also dependent
on the eventual size of the mature
plant. Small-statured plants, such
as these Bonsai Japanese Maples
(Acer palmatum), only require
small-statured containers.

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