
(Tuis.) #1

Fig. 1. The distribution of climate stations from Muller (1982) used in this study. Black circles represent
stations with complete non-avian tetrapod lists; grey circles represent those stations with only partial data.

series on the order of 30 years (typical of

'climate'). Consequently most stations are

located in large towns or cities that historically

occupy lowland sites. This bias closely mimics

the biases in the geological record that tend to

over-represent low-elevation environments.

Complete non-avian tetrapod faunal lists have

been assigned to 408 of these stations: Europe

(204); North America (143); southern Africa

(21); and Australia (40). Seventy-two lists from

South America and 18 lists from Arabia contain

mammal data only. Floral data (Little 1977)

have been assigned to the North American

stations, and the database also includes global

coverage for all palms (Uhl & Dransfield 1987),

turtles (Iverson 1992) and crocodilians (see

references in Markwick 1998a).

Faunal lists are assigned to each station by

overlaying climate station distributions onto

published species distribution maps (Hall &

Kelson 1959; Van der Brink 1967; Little 1977;

Arnold & Burton 1978; Cook 1984; Stebbins

1985; Uhl & Dransfield 1987; Branch 1988;

Bouchardy & Moutou 1989; Eisenberg 1989;

Table 1. Explanation of environmental variables used in this paper


Cumulative T 0
CumulativeT 5
Anuual precipitation
P range
Months T 10 P 40

Mean annual NDVI



Mean annual temperature
Mean annual range of temperature
Coldest month mean temperature
Warmest month mean temperature
Incident solar radiation measured at surface
Sum of all degrees above 0°C ('degree months')
Sum of all degrees above 5°C ('degree months')
Mean annual precipitation
Mean annual range in precipitation
Number of months with mean temperatures greater than 10°C and
Precipitation greater than 40 mm
Potential evapotranspiration
Mean annual negative difference vegetation index: a satellite-based metric used
as a proxy for primary productivity
One standard deviation of mean monthly NDVI
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