
(Tuis.) #1

Fig. 2. The relationship between the numbers of species and genera at each site used in the analysis. (a) Non-
avian tetrapod species and genera by continent. (b) Species and genera by taxonomic group.

Kingdon 1990; Conant & Collins 1991; Grenard

1991; Cogger 1992; Iverson 1992; Redford &

Eisenberg 1992; Strahan 1992). A 50 km radius

circle is drawn around each station, and an

occurrence registered where the taxon's distri-

bution intersects this circle. A radial limit of 50

km was chosen as it represents a typical decor-

relation distance for precipitation, which is the

most sensitive climate parameter to spatial

heterogeneity. This means that the faunas and

floras can be confidently assumed to have

experienced the climate assigned to them,

except in areas with rapid relief changes (such as

the Alps), where this methodology mixes high-

and low-elevation faunas. These points are

found to fall off the derived regressions but do

not significantly affect results. Ecologically, this

approach removes local, small-scale faunal and

floral heterogeneities, and thereby emulates the

spatial and temporal time-averaging in the fossil

record, with which this modern dataset can

thereby be directly compared. The 50 km radius

also approximately equates with the scale of

regional general circulation models (0.5° X 0.5°).

This approach differs from existing diversity

gradient studies (e.g. Currie 1991) in two ways.

Firstly, the use of point (station) rather than

gridded data reduces the area effects implicit in

quadrat techniques (Anderson & Marcus 1993),

and allows a direct comparison with climate (the

use of latitudinal zones is to be avoided because

it ignores longitudinal effects such as 'continen-

tality'). Secondly, the method integrates data

from more than one continent, thus reducing the

potential effects of regional biogeographical or

historical artifacts.

The diversity data have been plotted on

present-day maps using Arc View GIS for each

taxonomic group in the database, as well as for

each habitat and diet category. This provides a

qualitative indication of spatial similarities

between biogeography, taxonomic diversity and

environmental factors. The Spearman rank test

(using the Statview software; Haycock et al

1992-1993) was used to investigate correlations

between environmental variables and global

taxonomic diversity (Table 2), and regional

diversity (Tables 3-7). The relationship of

taxonomic assemblage composition to environ-

mental factors was examined with correspon-

dence analysis using the CANOCO software

(Ter Braak 1987-1992). The use of generic

rather than species-level presence-absence

information for this analysis is due to computa-

tional limitations. However, analysis of the

dataset has shown the close relationship

between the numbers of species and genera (Fig.

2), such that results derived from either taxo-

nomic level are comparable. Generic level

assignments are probably more robust for fossil



General patterns

Plots of diversity against absolute latitude are

shown in Figure 3. For comparison, a selection of

environmental variables is plotted against

absolute latitude in Figure 4 (see Table 1 for an

explanation of each variable). Total non-avian

tetrapod species diversity (amphibians + reptiles
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