Artists & Illustrators - UK (2019-11)

(Antfer) #1





Learn how to make your highlights stand out with ALBREC

When using white paper, it’s diffi cult to get a lamp
to look like it’s switched on. This only works when
very dark tones are drawn or painted around it.
It’s easier to use opaque white on coloured paper
to “highlight” what is supposed to shine.
The coloured paper serves as a medium tone.
Cover the light areas with pure opaque white.
By mixing together opaque tempera (or gouache)
paints and translucent watercolour paints, you can
create subtle nuances. Translucent, transparent
surfaces can be achieved with clear watercolours

on coloured paper – providedth
paper is suffi ciently absorbent
the intended area withclearw
a short time and then painti
the colour from blotching.
Artist Miguel Herranz,m
Sketchers scene, impres
mixed technique in his co
This is an extractfromA
Drawing: 100 TipstoEx
by Hoaki (RRP£14.
Free download pdf