Monteverde : Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest

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Figure 4.4. Stem-sucking aphids. Photograph
by Gregory Dimijian.

families is the cicadas (Cicadidae), which is more
diverse and abundant in lowland forests than in cloud
forests. In Panama, only one species (Carineta trivit-
tata) was found in cloud forests (2200 m), and seven
species at 1350 m. In contrast, 18 species in nine gen-
era were collected on Barro Colorado Island at 120 m
(Wolda and Ramos 1992). In a Costa Rican cloud for-
est at "Cariblanco" (1500 m), only eight species were
reported (Young 1976).
The only group of Sternorrhyncha that has been
well-inventoried in Costa Rica is the superfamily Psyl-
loidea (see Sec. 4.3.5.), the tropical equivalents of
aphids. The latter are less diverse in the Neotropics
than in the north temperate regions. The most fre-
quently encountered aphid in Monteverde is the bright
yellow Aphis nerii, which feeds on the milkweed,
Asclepias cur ass civic a (Asclepiadaceae; J. Longino,
pers. comm.). Although scale insects (superfamily
Coccoidea) are the least studied group of homopter-
ans in Costa Rica, biological information is available

for at least one species occurring in Monteverde (see
Sec. 4.3.6).

43.2. Biology and Diversity of Monteverde's
Spittlebugs and Froghoppers
Daniel C Peck
The spittlebugs and froghoppers of Monteverde are a
diverse group of xylem-sucking insects of the superfam-
ily Cercopoidea. They are among the most conspicuous
insects of the area due to their pest status in dairy pas-
tures (see Peck, "Agroecology of Prosapia," pp. 409-
410). The nymphs (spittlebugs) reside in laboriously
constructed masses of spittle; adults (froghoppers) are
free-living and commonly show warning colors.
In Monteverde, 30 species of Cercopoidea are
known from the areas outside the MCFP: 3 species of
Clastopteridae, 3 species of Aphrophoridae, and 24
species of Cercopidae. This represents 5% of the total
known New-World cercopid diversity and is remark-

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