Butterflies and Moths

(Tuis.) #1


The sweet smell of sugar attracts moths. To see
this, coat a tree trunk or fence with a sugary
mixture. Use some old molasses or honey mixed
with a bit of water to make a thick gooey mess.

  1. With a paintbrush, brush
    this mixture onto a tree trunk
    at dusk on a summer night.

Scientist Charles Darwin
thought there must be a flower
with an extra long tube to hold this
moth’s proboscis—and he was right!

Having a drink

Butterflies drink in all
sorts of places. You
may spot one at the
edge of a puddle
or in the mud. This
butterfly is drinking
sap oozing from a log.

Extra long tongue

The tongue of this Darwin’s hawk-moth
is incredibly long, even longer than its
body. However it fits neatly into this
flower, where it sucks up sugary liquids.

  1. Using a flashlight, check for
    moths every half hour. Ants and
    beetles will come to visit, too.

Ask an adult to
accompany you.

US_020-021_Smelling_and_sipping.indd 21 02/11/17 4:21 pm

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