Butterflies and Moths

(Tuis.) #1

Feeding machines

Have you ever watched a caterpillar

munch away nonstop on a leaf? If so,

you may not be surprised to learn that

it can increase its body weight at least

one hundred times in just a few weeks.

The tiny caterpillar begins eating as

soon as it hatches from an egg.

The meal begins

The caterpillar grasps the
leaf between its legs and
starts to eat. Caterpillars
are always hungry. The
more the caterpillar eats,
the more it grows.

Halfway there

Having finished one leaf, the
caterpillar moves on to another.
It eats the softer, juicier parts first.

The caterpillar
disguises itself
as a leaf to fool
its enemies.

A caterpillar’s
jaws are built
for slicing
into leaves.

The caterpillar
stretches out its
head and chews
down toward
its body.

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