Butterflies and Moths

(Tuis.) #1

Leave me alone!

Butterflies and moths are very good at letting their

enemies know that they do not want to be eaten.

Hungry birds, spiders, reptiles, and small mammals

are often scared away by aggressive displays. And

the bright colors and markings

of many butterflies and moths

warn predators that they will

taste rather nasty.

Resting on a leaf,
this butterfly could
be mistaken for a
lizard’s eye.

Dead smelly

When disturbed, the white ermine
moth pretends to be dead. If this
does not work, it
produces drops
of foul -smelling
yellow liquid.

I’ve got my eye

on you!

This fierce-looking owl
butterfly frightens its
enemies by displaying
a large “eye” on its wing.
It makes it look more like
an angry lizard than a
delicate insect.

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