Butterflies and Moths

(Tuis.) #1

Which is which?

They do not crawl like ants and beetles, but butterflies

and moths are insects just the same. They belong

to the insect group Lepidoptera, which means scaly

wings. Most butterflies are colorful, while moths are

normally dull. Moths mostly have thick, hairy bodies,

and feathery antennae (feelers), whereas butterfly

antennae are long and thin.

Body parts

Like all insects, butterflies and
moths have three pairs of legs
and three body parts—a head, a
thorax, and an abdomen. They also
have two large pairs of wings,
antennae, and eyes.

The tip of a
antenna always
ends in a club.

The wings are
covered with lots of
scales—like dust—which
give them their color.

Veins on the
wings work like
supporting bars
in a kite.

Head Eye


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