Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1
systems require long computation times, often weeks to
months long. If a power failure occurs, the MD run is termi-
nated prematurely. In order to restart the calculation, we can
use the rst files saved with predefined frequencies. Suppose the
production run is interrupted. First, check the length of the
trajectory already calculated, by consulting the simulation time
at the end of the sys5.out file. Then, copy mdin5 file to a new
file called mdin6 and adjust the parameter nstlim so as to obtain
the initially desired length of the simulation after completing
this new stage. Then simply launch the script Run_pmemd_-
cuda again, specifying the total number of stages to be
6 and beginning simulations from stage #6. The program will
use the existing sys5.rst as input and continue the calculation of
the trajectory. If desired, the two trajectories, sys5.mdcrd and
sys6.mdcrd, can be combined by the ptraj or cpptraj utility

3.4 Analysis
of the MD Trajectory

  1. Monitor the time dependence of such variables as potential
    energy, density, and volume. The analysis will be performed
    on the equilibrated part of the trajectory, where these para-
    meters are stable. To do it, use a Perl script from the Amber
    website, available at the address
    200507/att-0228/process_mdout.perl. It produces text files
    whose contents can be visualized by any plotting software. By
    looking at the graphs one can see from which frame the trajec-
    tory can be considered stable. This and all subsequent frames to
    the end of the trajectory will be used in clustering to find
    representative and distinct structures of the receptor.

  2. The clustering procedure involves several steps. We will use the
    kclust routine from the MMTSB software package, available
    from In the
    first step we extract individual frames from the trajectory and
    put them as PDB files in a subdirectory. Run the following
    command: “ptraj sys.prmtop”, where the last
    argument is the file name containing the following lines:

trajin sys5.mdcrd 3001 10000 1
# remove solvent and ions
strip :291-999999
# remove trans & rot
center :1-290 mass origin
image origin center familiar
# best fit to the first frame
rms first mass :1-290@CA,C,N
# put all the pdb frames in a subdirectory
trajout PDB/frame.pdb pdb

Molecular Dynamics in Virtual Screening 157
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