Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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3.5 Virtual Screening
of Ligands
and Multiple Receptor

In this chapter, we will deal with two possible virtual screening
strategies. The first uses Fred [51] and the associated OpenEye
software (seeSubheading2) and considers both the ligand and the
receptor to be rigid. This significantly increases the speed of the
calculation, at the cost of precision. It is therefore usual to use
several starting conformations for each ligand to be evaluated.
The second strategy considers flexible ligand but rigid receptor,
and relies on AutoDockVina [46], in which case a single conforma-
tion of each ligand is included in the library. It should be noted that
Vina can, in principle, define some receptor’s side-chains as being
flexible, but this significantly increases the computation time and is
not appropriate to fully mimic the conformational adaptation of the
receptor to the ligand binding.

  1. Preparation of files for docking.
    Download the chemical compounds library you are inter-
    ested in or use in-house preassembled libraries. Most of the
    online chemical structures libraries are freely accessible for
    downloading (e.g., ZINC database, [52] and most of the
    compounds should be commercially available. These files have
    often an .sdf or .mol2 extension. First of all, generate 3D
    coordinates for the molecules. If you are planning to use Auto-
    Dock Vina, split them into .pdbqt files via OpenBabel with
    added hydrogens, removed salts and charges corresponding to
    the protonation state at physiological pH. The following com-
    mands can be used:

obabel –isdf drugs.sdf –omol2 –O drugs.mol2 –r –h –p7.2 –-gen3d
obabel –imol2 drugs.mol2 –opdbqt –O drugs.pdbqt –m

Filter your molecules according to selected physicochemical
properties (e.g., Lipinski’s rule of five). The Screening Assistant
v.2 ( can be used to remove known
reactive compounds (covalent binders), warheads (noncovalent
binders) and to eliminate PAINS (Pan-Assay Interference) com-
pounds [53]. Alternatively, you can use the programs from the
OpenEye software suite to enumerate tautomeric states for each
molecule, to filter them, calculate partial atomic charges and to
generate low-energy conformers:

tautomers -in drugs.sdf -out taut_drugs.sdf
filter -i taut_drugs.sdf -o filt_drugs.sdf –typecheck
fixpka -i filt_drugs.sdf -o fixpka_drugs.sdf
molcharge -method am1bccsym fixpka_drugs.sdf drugs.mol2
omega2 drugs.mol2 drugs.oeb.gz

Molecular Dynamics in Virtual Screening 161
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