Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1
In the next step, use tleap to create topology and coordinate
files for the ligand. The following script shows an example of tleap’s

source leaprc.ff03 (for basic definitions)
source leaprc.gaff (for the ligand)
set default PBradii mbondi2
loadamberprep lig.prep (antechamber-generated file)
loadamberparams lig.frcmod (parmchk-generated file)
check LIG (there should be no error messages)
saveamberparm LIG lig.prmtop lig.inpcrd (save the ligand topology)
savepdb LIG lignew.pdb (use this file to add ligand to the receptor)

Note that we are using the same residue name (LIG) as the one
we defined for antechamber (seeNote 10).

  1. Prepare a receptor–ligand complex by combining protein and
    ligand in a single PDB file (e.g., “complex.pdb”). Copy the
    ligand’s PDB file at the end of the receptor’s PDB file. Attri-
    bute a unique chain identifier to the ligand’s residues. Insert
    TER records after each molecule. Then, run tleap on the
    following script:

source leaprc.ff03
source leaprc.gaff
set default PBradii mbondi2
loadamberprep lig.prep
loadamberparams lig.frcmod
mol=loadpdb complex.pdb
# add modifications, such as disulfide bonds, if any
check mol
# the unit should be OK, except warnings about close
# They will be removed by subsequent energy minimizations.
saveamberparm mol cpl.prmtop cpl.inpcrd (save topology)
savepdb mol cpl.pdb
# saves newly assigned residue numbers, protons included

If the script terminates without errors, the complex structure is
correct. See the contents of the output cpl.pdb file for newly
assigned residue numbers (containing protons). Solvate the system
and add charge neutralizing ions if necessary, by completing the
above script with the solvatebox and addions commands, as dis-
cussed in Subheading3.2 (seeNote 11). This will produce topol-
ogy files for the whole system, with names such as sys.prmtop, sys.
inpcrd and sys.pdb.

166 Gre ́gory Menchon et al.

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