Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1

  • Run minimization in NAMD on X processors by entering the
    following command:
    namd2 +pX min.conf >& min.log

# Input
structure AAA_TYL_pH7_ions_solvent_sc150mM.psf ; # Load PSF
coordinates AAA_TYL_pH7_ions_solvent_sc150mM.pdb ; # Load PDB

temperature 0 ; # Initial temperature

set bx 99.958 ; # Box dimensions (see Step 12)
set by 99.958
set bz 99.958

set cx 31.121 ; # Wrapping center (see Step 12)
set cy 1.777
set cz -2.136

# Force Field Information
paraTypeCharmm on ; # Use CHARMM
parameters toppar/par_all36_prot.prm ; # Load CHARMM36
parameters toppar/par_all36_carb.prm
parameters toppar/par_all36_lipid.prm
parameters toppar/par_all36_cgenff.prm ; # Load CGenFF
parameters toppar/toppar_water_ions.str ; # Load TIP3P/ions
parameters TYL.str ; # Load drug parameters
exclude scaled1-4 ; # Exclude 1-2s and 1-3s, scale 1-4s
1-4scaling 1.0 ; # 1-4 scaling factor
cutoff 12.0 ; # Cut-off radius for non-bonded interactions
switching on ; # Scale smoothly to zero
switchdist 10.0 ; # Scale smoothly from here to cut-off
pairlistdist 14.0 ; # Pairlist search radius

# Periodic Boundary Conditions
cellBasisVector1 $bx 0 0 ; # Box dimensions
cellBasisVector2 0 $by 0
cellBasisVector3 0 0 $bz
cellOrigin $cx $cy $cz ; # Wrapping center
wrapAll on ; # Wrap coordinates to wrapping center
PME yes ; # PME long-range electrostatics
PMEGridSpacing 1.0 ; # Grid spacing for PME

# Output
outputName min ; # Output file name prefix
binaryOutput yes ; # Output binary files
restartfreq 100 ; # Output frequencies
dcdfreq 100
xstFreq 100
outputEnergies 100

minimize 500 ; # Minimize 500 cycles

262 Jodi A. Hadden and Juan R. Perilla

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