Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1
details, such as formation of unexpected pores in the membrane
system, separation of the lipid leaflets, lipid bilayer thickness, deu-
terium order parameters, lateral diffusion coefficients of lipids, ion
aggregation on the protein surface, and loss of protein secondary
structure, should be assessed. If any of these properties calculated
during simulation steps is inaccurate, it may lead to major simula-
tion artifacts.

2.1.4 Generation
of Conformational
and Representative Protein

Selecting a representative structure from the MD trajectory frames
for analysis is one of the biggest challenges in the utilization of large
structural ensembles. The choice of the selection criteria may vary
depending on the goal of the subsequent analysis. The representa-
tive structure could be selected based on the RMSD, conforma-
tional energy, or certain known conformational changes which may
be crucial for protein function. In our protocol, the trajectories of
the MD production run for each system were monitored based on
the total conformational energy, TM6 tilt angle, and RMSD rela-
tive to the initial structure. We used an integration time step of 2 fs,
and for the analysis, simulated trajectories were saved for every 2 ps
and sampled every 300 ps. Thus, each system consists of a confor-
mational ensemble of 1000 structures for a total production run of
300 ns. The minimal energy conformation structures obtained
from the conformational ensembles were selected as the represen-
tative protein structures for the apo and agonist-bound forms of
A2AAR, which were subsequently subjected to network analysis.

2.2 Elucidation
of GPCR Allostery
Using Network

2.2.1 Sequence
Conservation Free Energy

Sequence information of a protein family provides insight into their
functional mechanism [28]. In order to compare the conservation
pattern in class A GPCR and its specific subtype family, i.e., adeno-
sine receptor (AR), we computedΔG(GPCR)/kBT*andΔG(AR)/
kBT*, each of which is evaluated using different multiple sequence
alignment (MSA). Sequences of AR family (219 sequences) and
class A GPCR family (26,655 sequences) were collected from Uni-
ProtKB and Pfam databases, respectively. After removal of redun-
dant sequences, 208 and 24,507 sequences were considered for AR
and GPCR families, respectively. For GPCR family, sequence clus-
tering was performed using a sequence identity of at least 40% to
reduce the sequence space size, resulting in 2471 sequences. For a
given MSA of a protein family, we quantified the extent of sequence
conservation by using the following statistical free energy-like func-
tion scaled by an arbitrary energy scalekBT*[21, 29]:



X 20
α¼ 1 pi



ð 1 Þ

whereCiis the number of amino acid types at positionialong the
sequence,αdenotes amino acid species,piαis the frequency of an
amino acidαat the positioni, andpαis the frequency of an amino

Molecular Dynamics Approach for Investigation of GPCR Allostery 461
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