Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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i¼ 1

diðÞ;v=ðÞN 1

! 1
ð 3 Þ

whered(i,v) is the minimal number of edges that bridge the
nodesiandv. For a given network topology,d(i,j) can be
calculated by using Dijkstra’s algorithm [34].

  1. The betweenness centrality, CB(v), measures the extent to
    which a node has control over transmission of information
    between the nodes in the network [35].


ðÞN 1 ðÞN 2

NX 1

s¼ 1


t¼sþ 1


ð 4 Þ

wheres 6 ¼t 6 ¼v. In the above definition,σstis the number of
shortest paths linking the nodessandt, andσst(v) is the number of
shortest paths linking the nodessandtvia the nodev. The factor
(N1)(N2)/2 is the normalization constant. To reduce the
computational cost of Eq.4, we used Brandes algorithm [36],
which exploits the sparse nature of typical real-world graphs, and
computes the betweenness centrality score for all vertices in the
graph in a very short time.
By surmising that allosteric hotspots are the mediators of infor-
mation flow in a network topology of a given protein structure, we
adopted betweenness centrality concept in identifying hotspot resi-
dues which can modulate the signal transduction in GPCRs (see
Note 4). Since the betweenness centrality calculates the extent to
which a particular node lies between other nodes in the network
[31, 36, 37], a member with high betweenness may act as a gate-
keeper or broker in the network for either smooth communication
or flow of information [37]. Using the minimum energy structures
generated by the MD simulation, the residue interaction network
was constructed with a cutoff distance of 7 A ̊. Subsequently, the
betweenness centrality was calculated to measure each residue’s
importance for the flux of information in the residue interaction
network (seeNote 5).

2.2.4 Network
Vulnerability Analysis
(Glycine Scanning)

When a network is attacked by a certain perturbation, it may or may
not collapse depending on the importance of the attacked site
[38]. The rate at which the network is affected by perturbation
could be regarded as a network’s tolerance to an error or vulnera-
bility to an attack, and a member with high vulnerability can be
considered to have a crucial role in the stable formation or integrity
of the network [39]. In the theory of complex network, this
vulnerability is evaluated using a relative change in the average
network centrality when a nodexis removed, which can be written
as follows [39]:

Molecular Dynamics Approach for Investigation of GPCR Allostery 463
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