Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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confidence intervals. Correction ofPvalues (seeNote 7) by such as
Bonferroni method should be performed due to multiple testing.
AdjustedPvalues less than 0.05 are considered statistically signifi-
cant. R code for this meta-analysis is shown in Fig.8.

Fig. 5Example tables for information extraction of miRNA expression profiling studies (T2D vs nondiabetic
controls). (a) Characteristics of human miRNA expression profiling studies; (b) Characteristics of animal miRNA
expression profiling studies

Fig. 6An example table for quality assessment according to the MIAME and MIQE guidelines. Abbreviations:
NRnot reported,Iinsufficient,Ssufficient

Fig. 7Quality assessment according to the MIAME guideline. Green bars, yellow bars, and red bars,
respectively, indicate the items that were sufficient in annotation, not sufficient in annotation and not reported

480 Hongmei Zhu and Siu-wai Leung

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