Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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hypotheses but also enables to secure intellectual property rights
and in the identification of new molecules significantly eliciting a
response to targets which till now have not been the focus of drug
discovery efforts. The classes of computational methods for the de
novo design are mentioned below [3–6]:

(a) Fragment

Identifies a specific position of atom or fragment in
binding sites

(b) Site point
connection methods

Identifies a unique site location for placing
fragments in the binding sites
(c) Fragment
connection methods

Connects the fragments at particular position
within binding sites
(d) Library

Builds a library of fragments with desirable

(e) Molecule growth

Keep atoms or fragments at different places within
binding sites of target and growing them by
joining with other atoms/fragments with
various coordinations
(f) Random
connection methods

Connect the fragments in random way

For fruitful candidate design, three paradigms acknowledged
by de novo design program are (1) structure construction of the
candidate compounds (atom/fragment based), (2) evaluation of
the molecule class, i.e., its fitness (based on 3D receptor-ligand
docking and scoring or ligand-based similarity measure) and
(3) methodically examining the search space or difficulty of optimi-
zation (based on depth-first/breadth first search, evolutionary
algorithms, exhaustive structure enumeration). These constitute
the modern de novo design approach to implement the chemical
structure generation process [7, 8].
Complete data linked to ligand receptor interaction forms the
primary target constraintsfor the candidate compounds as these
input are used in scoring the property evaluation of the generated
structures. The designed compound with some target affinity and
drug-likeness is proposed. Clusters of the virtual structures are
accompanied by simulated organic synthesis steps in order to
draw prospective synthesis route for each generated structures.
Shape constraints and noncovalent ligand–receptor interactions
especially the hydrogen bonding forms the principal interaction
site [9]. Atom-based or fragment-based methods are used to
assemble the molecules based on the receptor interaction sites.
Fragment-based approach narrows the search space effectively.
Moreover, if fragment molecules frequently arise in drug molecules
then drug-likeness of designed compounds will be high. Fragments

72 Venkatesan Suryanarayanan et al.

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