Produce Degradation Pathways and Prevention

(Romina) #1

408 Produce Degradation: Reaction Pathways and their Prevention

likely differ greatly from those on containers and equipment used in meat and dairy
industries. Even within the produce industry, microflora in biofilms on various
container and equipment surfaces would be predicted to differ greatly, depending
on the type of produce being harvested and processed. Survival and growth charac-
teristics of pathogens would also likely be influenced by these differences.
During growth and maturation of fruits and vegetables as well as during har-
vesting, transport, processing, and storage after processing, opportunities arise for
the development of biofilms. These biofilms may provide protection against sani-
tizers. Growth of L. monocytogenes in a multispecies biofilm, with concurrent
development of resistance to sodium hypochlorite, has been demonstrated [237]. A
model system needs to be developed to stimulate produce biofilms for the purpose
of determining the behavior of pathogens incorporated into them. The ability of
pathogens to survive in biofilms subjected to dehydration and treatment with sani-
tizers needs to be determined.


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