Produce Degradation Pathways and Prevention

(Romina) #1

© 2005 by CRC Press


Attachment of Bacterial

Human Pathogens on

Fruit and Vegetable


Dike O. Ukuku, Ching-Hsing Liao, and
Shirley Gembeh
U.S. Department of Agriculture1, Agricultural Research Service,
Eastern Regional Research Center, Wyndmoor, PA


13.1 Introduction................................................................................................ 421
13.2 Outbreaks of Foodborne Illness Associated with Produce ....................... 422
13.3 Surfaces of Fruits and Vegetables ............................................................. 423
13.3.1 Surface Characteristics ............................................................... 423
13.3.2 Native Microflora of Fruits and Vegetables ............................... 423
13.3.3 Types of Spoilage Microflora ..................................................... 423
13.3.4 Sources of Bacterial Pathogen Contamination........................... 425
13.4 Attachment of Human Bacterial Pathogens on Fruits and Vegetables..... 426
13.4.1 Factors That Influence Bacterial Attachment ............................. 427
13.4.2 Factors Limiting Detachment of Microorganisms ..................... 430
13.4.3 Biofilm Formation on Produce Surfaces .................................... 430
13.5 Bacterial Degradation of Fruit and Vegetable Surfaces............................ 431
13.5.1 Prevention of Microbial Contamination and Degradation
of Produce ................................................................................... 431
References.............................................................................................................. 433


The microbiological safety of fresh and minimally processed fruits and vegetables
has been questioned as a result of recent outbreaks of foodborne illness associated
with unpasteurized juices, sprouts, melons, lettuce, berries, and other commodities.

1 Mention of a brand or firm name does not constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture over others of similar nature not mentioned.

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