Produce Degradation Pathways and Prevention

(Romina) #1

Index 665

enzyme transport, 514
flavor effects, 514–522
fruit spoilage, 517–518
function of enzymes, 507–514
gene expression regulation, 522–524
glutathione, 507–508
hemicellulose-degrading enzymes, 510–512
laccasese, 508–509
lipoxygenase, 508–509
mycotoxins, 521–522
pectinases, 509–510
phytohormones, 523–524
polyphenol oxidases, 508–509
quality enhancement, 514–516
quorum sensing, 522–523
role of enzymes, 507–514
spoilage, 516–518
starch-degrading enzymes, 512–514
superoxide dismutase, 507–508
vegetable spoilage, 516–517
Microbial source off-flavors, 175
Microbial spoilage mechanisms
abiotic spoilage, 464–465
basics, 480–481, 646
berries, 477–478
biotic spoilage, 464–465
bulbs, 479
categories of produce, 473–474
cruciferous produce, 475
disease-conducive conditions, 473
disease vs. spoilage, 464–467
early spoilage events, 467–473
fibrous produce, 475–476
firm-skinned produce, 477, 480
key pathogen case studies, 473–480
leafy produce, 474–475
pathogen attack, 469–473
perishable produce, 474–478
plant defenses, 467–468
postharvest operations, 465–466
preharvest operations, 465–466
roots, 478–479
soft-skinned produce, 476–477, 479–480
spoilage organisms, 466–467
storable produce, 478–480
tubers, 478–479
Microbial spoilage protection
abiosis, 321–326
anabiosis, 327–333
cenonanabiosis, 333
chemoanabiosis, 330–332
chemosterilation, 326
chilling, 329–330
cleaning, 317–318
decontamination and disinfection, 318–321

freezing, 329–330
gamma rays, 325
high-intensity pulsed electric field, 326
high-intensity pulsed white light, 326
hydrostatic pressure, 325–326
microorganism removal, 317–321
osmoanabiosis, 327–328
sound waves, 326
thermoinactivation, 321–324
ultraviolet light, 326
washing, 317–318
Microbiological changes, 302–304
Microenvironments, 398–399
Microflora, competitive, 392–393
Micronutrients, 228–230
Microorganisms, gas composition, 130–133
Microstructure of degradation, see Degradation
Middleton and Kandaswami studies, 226
Migration, water, 272–274
Miller, Bateman and, studies, 446
Miller, Sapers and, studies, 310
Miller studies, 91, 283
Milner studies, 519
Minale, Piatelli and, studies, 212
Minerals, 229, 242
Minguez-Mosquera, Hornero-Mendez and,
studies, 194
Minguez-Mosquera and Hornero-Mendez studies,
Miniati, Mazza and, studies, 203
Mir and Beaudry studies, 307
Mitcham, Wszelaki and, studies, 131, 135
Mittleider studies, 6
Models, cuticles, 21
Moderate vacuum package (MVP), 306
Modified atmosphere (MA)
flavor systems, 170–172
fluorescent pseudomonads, 496–497
packaging, 141–143
simulation, 143–144
Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)
additives, treatments, and preservation,
flavor and volatile metabolism, 171–172
spoilage microbiology, 394
water loss prevention, 283
Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)
anaerobic catabolism, 136
browning, enzymatic, 139–141
chlorophylls, 138–139
color, 138–141
controlled atmosphere, 127–128
enzymatic actions, 136, 139–141
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