Produce Degradation Pathways and Prevention

(Romina) #1

666 Produce Degradation: Reaction Pathways and their Prevention

ethylene, 128–129
firmness, 133–135
flavor, 135–138
gas composition, 122–125
measuring respiration rates, 120–121
microorganisms, 130–133
off-flavors, 137–138
optimal gas composition, 127–141
quality attributes, 133–141
respiration rates, 118–127
temperature, 121–122
Mohan-Reddy studies, 513
Moisture, 386, 608–610, see also Humidity; Water
Molds, 382–384
Molecular genetic analysis, 490–492
Molluscicides, 353–354
Montero studies, 66
Moor studies, 495
Morimoto studies, 97
Morris studies, 445
Mosha and Gaga studies, 250
Mosha studies, 250, 252
Mossel and Thomas studies, 394
Movement factors, 271–272
Moyer studies, 203
Mukherjee, Jain and, studies, 66
Mullen studies, 207
Mundt studies, 381, 406
Mungbean sprouts, 404
Muresans studies, 87
Murray and Whitfield studies, 167
Muscadine grapes, 638, see also Grapes
degradation microstructure, 532–533
microbial metabolites, 516
nutrient loss, 227
packaging, 131, 140, 143
Mycotoxins, 521–522


Nassar studies, 9
National Academy of Sciences, 226
Native microflora, 423, 492–493
Natural openings, 445–446
chilling, 630
flavor systems, 162–163
mechanical injury, 84
pesticides, 348
temperature, 639
Nederland studies, 333
Neinhuis and Barthlott studies, 444, 447
Nelson studies, 612
Nematicides, 352–353

Nguyen-The and Carlin studies, 249, 319, 445
Nichols and Hammond studies, 140
Niemira studies, 465–466, 468, 479
Nilsen and Orcutt studies, 268
Nilsson studies, 207
Nitric oxide, 129
Nitrous oxide, 129
Nobel studies, 269
Nonclimacteric fruits and vegetables, 67–69, 71,
Non-Erwina pectolytic bacteria, 490–491
Nonnutrient compounds, 230–233
Nonvolatile taste compounds, 157
Norat, Riboli and, studies, 231–233
Norisprenoids, 159–160
Notermans studies, 382
Nunes studies, 236, 283, 287
Nurmi, Asplund and, studies, 456
Nutrient content, 237–240, 389–390
Nutrient loss
acetic acid fermentation, 253–254
additives, 256–257
alkaline fermentation, 254
basics, 224–225, 258
blanching, 244–245, 250
carbohydrates, 227, 241
chilling treatments, 247
coatings, 248
dehydration, 251–252
enzymes, 234
fermentation, 252–254
films, edible, 248
flavor compounds, 230
freezing, 250–251
harvesting, 235
heat treatments, 244–247
hormones, 234
humidity, 238–239
lactic acid fermentation, 252–253
lipids, 228, 241
macronutrients, 226–228
maturity, 237–238
micronutrients, 228–230
minerals, 229, 242
nonnutrient compounds, 230–233
nutrient content factors, 237–240
nutritional value overview, 225–230
packaging, 236, 239–240
pathways of loss, 234–236
phytonutrients, 231–233
pigments, 231, 242
postharvest, 244–247
preharvest, 234, 243–244
probiotics, 254–256
processing, 236, 248–258
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