Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea)

(Ben Green) #1

Higher Systematics of the Pentatomoidea 53

10(9) Base of abdominal venter with mesal tubercle; metasternum produced, flattened; worldwide ....
.............................................................................................................Pentatominae (in part)
10’ Base of abdominal venter rarely tuberculate but if so, then metasternum thinly carinate
mesally; New World .......................................................................Discocephalinae (in part)
11(9) Rostrum arising on or posterior to an imaginary line traversing head at anterior limit of
eyes (Figures 2.6A, B) and/or superior surface of tarsal segment III of hind legs shallowly
excavated in females (Figure 2.6C); New World ..............................Discocephalinae (part)
11’ Rostrum arising anterior to an imaginary line traversing head at anterior limit of eyes (Figures
2.1M, N; 2.6E); superior surface of tarsal segment III of hind legs convex or flattened in both
sexes ........................................................................................................................................... 12
12(11) Tibiae usually sulcate on outer surface (Figure 2.6D); rostral segment I often longer than
bucculae (Figure 2.6E); trichobothria paired; scutellum not reaching apex of abdomen; frena
one-third or more length of scutellum (Figure 2.6F) worldwide .......Pentatominae (in part)
12’ Tibiae not sulcate on outer surface; rostral segment I usually not longer than bucculae;
trichobothria single (Figure 2.6G) or paired; scutellum usually reaching apex of abdo-
men (Figure 2.6H); frena short, less than one-third length of scutellum (Figure 2.6H), but
if one-half length of scutellum, then scutellum not reaching apex of abdomen; worldwide
(Figures 2.18I-L; 2.27I, J) ....................................................................................Podopinae






FIGURE 2.6 A, Antiteuchus mixtus, head, ventral view; B, Macropygium reticulare, head, ventral view; C, Miopygium
cyclopeltoides, tarsus, dorsolateral view; D, Pentatoma rufipes, tibia, inner view; E, Eysarcoris aeneus, head, ventral view;
F, Rhaphigaster nebulosa, scutellum, dorsal view; G, Amaurochrous dubius, lateral margins of abdominal segments V, VI
and VII, ventral view; H, Amaurochrous dubius, detail of scutellum, dorsal view.

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