Android Advisor - 01.05.2018

(singke) #1


it and forget it. Open the app and you’ll be presented
with a minimalist layout dominated with a big button
in the centre. As you might guess, this turns the VPN
on and off. Beneath it you’ll find a section stating
where your current server is located. This can be
changed by tapping on the Choose Location button.
The latter is important if you want to watch things
like Netflix from other countries, as you simply select
a server based in that location. It’s also handy if you
find that your connection is slow, as sometimes a
particular server can experience problems due to
heavy traffic or technical issues.
When you’re in the list of servers you can also
test how fast the connection is by tapping the speed
dial shaped icon in the upper right corner. This
opens up the option to test the Ping rate. Essentially
this measures how long a signal takes to leave the

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