Android Advisor - 01.05.2018

(singke) #1


will make it even better (okay, and maybe a little too
real, in the case of Duplex).
It can be easy to miss the improvements if you
don’t obsessively keep an eye on the news, so here
they are in one place: the 12 coolest new features
in Google Assistant.

  1. Sync connected smart home devices
    Google Assistant supports numerous smart home
    devices, but you might notice that devices you’ve just
    added to your account don’t always work right away.
    That’s because Assistant isn’t constantly scanning for
    new connections. You can give it a kick-start.
    After adding a new smart home device like a
    camera or thermostat, open up Assistant and say,
    “Sync my devices”. Assistant tells you it’s syncing with
    your connected accounts, and a few seconds later any
    newly added devices will appear in your list. Make sure
    to add them to rooms in Assistant for full functionality.

  2. Send daily info
    Assistant is great for calling up little tidbits such
    as the weather, stock quotes, or even jokes. You
    don’t even have to ask every time, though. You can
    have Assistant proactively send you certain bits of
    information as a daily update. To configure a daily
    update, start by asking your question normally – ask it
    for the weather, a dad joke, whatever. After Assistant
    pulls up the content, you can follow up with “Send this
    to me daily”. Assistant asks what time you want the
    update, and you’re all set. To change or cancel a daily
    update, just say, “See my subscriptions”.

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