Android Advisor - 01.05.2018

(singke) #1


includes a few customization options including smart
home devices, travel info, and audio playback. You
can also modify the trigger phrase at the top of the
Routine settings page.

  1. Take and share screenshots
    You can capture screenshots on Android phones by
    holding the power and volume buttons, but Assistant
    can do it, too. In fact, it might be faster if you intend to
    share the screenshot right away. Open Assistant and
    say, “take a screenshot” or “share a screenshot”.
    It takes a moment to capture the screenshot, but
    you’ll get a preview as soon as it’s done. Assistant then
    immediately brings up the sharing interface so you can
    send the screen to a message or upload it someplace.
    The screenshots taken via Assistant aren’t saved
    locally, so you won’t end up with clutter from repeated
    screenshot captures.

  2. Listen to podcasts
    Google has built a basic podcast interface into the
    Google app, and the easiest way to access it is via
    Assistant. You might want to listen to podcasts in this
    fashion because Google’s solution is quick and easy.
    Just say, “listen to [podcast name]” to fire up the latest
    episode. If you were in the middle of an episode,
    Assistant picks up where you left off.
    Your progress is not device-specific, either. You can
    start listening to a podcast on your phone, then tell
    Assistant on Google Home you want to listen to the
    same podcast. Rather than start, over, it starts where
    you last listened on your phone.

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