Android Advisor - 01.05.2018

(singke) #1


It’s a stark contrast to Apple’s overall lack of
parental controls in iOS X. The iPhone maker was
taken to task earlier this year for ignoring smartphone
addiction in children, something that Google already
tackled with its Family Link app. The Digital Wellbeing
initiative is very much a preemptive strike against
iOS 12, which is expected to include some form
of controls to limit a child’s screen time. Unless
Apple does something similar to what Google has
implemented in Android P – which seems unlikely
– it won’t be enough.

Turning mindless interactions into
meaningful ones
Google is making a statement to Apple and everyone
else with Digital Wellbeing in Android P: Smartphone
addiction isn’t just a problem that affects kids. I already
know that I’m going to be horrified when I see my
daily phone stats in Android Dashboard, but a visual
representation of how much time I’m devoting to

Digital Wellbeing in
Android P is designed
to get families to
appreciate the time
they spend with and
without their phones
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