Android Advisor - 01.05.2018

(singke) #1


Our preferred route is that of a paid service. While
it might cost you money, we think the security and
performance is often better than the free alternatives,
plus most of them usually offer trial versions.
For this article we’ll use ExpressVPN (fave.
co/2vPq5a9), but the setup and user experience
will be very similar on other VPN apps.

Setting up the VPN
Go to the Google Play Store and search for Express
VPN. Download the app and then tap the Open button
when the installation process has been completed.
You’ll need to set up an account, so choose the Free
Trial option and enter your details. This will last for
30 days, during which time you have access to all the
services on offer. After that you’ll need to pay either £9
per month or £70 per year to continue using the app.

Free download pdf