102 5 Result of Analysis and Interpretations
organizations to engage in a circular economy. Analysis shows that organizations
usually mention more than just one motive.
Th e variety of motives shows that organizations attempt to benefi t from circular
economy in diff erent ways. Th is is positive not only for the organization but also
for the transition towards circular economy. Th e variety of motives ensures that
even in the case that one objective cannot be achieved there are still other reasons
for the organization to be further committed to a circular economy.
5.2 Impacts of Circular Economy Implementation
on Organizations
5.2 Impacts of Circular Economy Implementation on Organizations
In this chapter the second research question is addressed in order to answer what
impacts organizations can expect from circular economy. Th e fi ndings from lit-
erature in chapter 2.3.3 describe a number of benefi ts that can be gained through
the commitment to a circular economy. Th is chapter analyzes the empirical data
of this study and compares it to the fi ndings from the literature review.
Fig. 5 Overview of identifi ed impacts resulting from circular economy