Exploratory Study on Circular Economy Approaches A Comparative Analysis of Theory and Practice

(Rick Simeone) #1

112 5 Result of Analysis and Interpretations Sub-Category 1: Risk Management

Another aspect related to the brand reputation is reputation risk management.

While it is not new that organizations seek to enhance and manage their repu-

tation risk, it is a result of the analysis of this study that organizations see their

commitment in a circular economy as contributing to this objective. Moreover, a

certain parallel can be identified when considering the academic discourse on the

relationship between reputation risk management and corporate social respon-

sibility (CSR) reporting. The literature distinguishes reputation by the following

three aspects: financial/economic, social and environmental. Furthermore, the

CSR reporting is mainly used to manage the social and environmental dimension

of the organization’s reputation (Unerman 2008). While one stream in literature

states that reputation risk management is a highly complex concept and cannot be

influenced by the organizations, the other sees in reputation risk management an

explanation for CSR reporting (Bebbington et al. 2008).

There is still an ongoing debate on whether reputation can or cannot be directly

managed, however, the results of this study show that corporate managers believe

in the possibility of doing so. With their engagement in a circular economy, or-

ganizations are managing stakeholder expectations. By doing so the corporation

is attempting to demonstrate how well the corporation’s engagement meets the

social and, more importantly, environmental expectations of their stakeholders

which is a common objective for reputation risk management (Unerman 2008).

The citation from the representative of case Zeta describes it as follows: “There is

the reputation topic which plays an important role for us. There is a lot of awareness

on the topic sustainability, and many NGOs such as Greenpeace have their focus on

the textile industry. But we had a stakeholder dialog with Greenpeace and after this

dialog Greenpeace issued a press release on chemicals and pollutants in the textile

industry” (see Appendix: German Quote 70).

The commitment to circular economy and the related in-depth insights into the

topic further prepare the organizations for potential campaigns trying to harm the

perception of the brand. Hence, it facilitates damage control and proves a sincere

commitment to topics such as environmental protection and resource efficiency.

Interviewee of case Eta forms it as follows: “It means we must do less damage

control when there is an NGO campaign trying to harm us as we have something to

prove our commitment over the past years. This is not our main motivator, no carte

blanche, and it doesn’t protect from attacks from the press, but it makes it easier for

us because we have planned ahead in contrast to some competitors” (see Appendix:

German Quote 71).

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