5.3 Practical Challenges for Realizing Benefits in a Circular Economy 115
Innovation Type Circular Economy Approach Maturity Level
Product Innovation
(Changes the product)
Circular Supplies (e.g. creation of
products which are fully recyclable)
Fully implemented:
Alpha, Beta
Partially implemented:
Gamma, Delta,
Epsilon, Zeta
Resource Recovery (e.g. creation of
new products to use up left-overs
from the production line)
Fully implemented:
Eta, Theta
Remanufacturing (e.g. implementation
of new products which can be built
from the reusable parts of the original
Process Innovation
(Changes the process)
Circular Supplies (e.g. use of renew-
able energy for the production line)
(Changes or adds
a business model)
Sharing Platform (e.g. enable custom-
ers to extend the use of their products)
Product as a Service (e.g. sell the
products access, internalize the
lifecycle management)
Product Life Extension (e.g. gather
used products and resell them if
possible, replace certain parts of
the product)
Fully implemented:
Fig. 6 Overview of identified challenges in the context of circular economy
Five sub-categories of the ‘nascent stage of concept’ are identified (as depicted
in Figure 6)Figure 6 Overview of identified challenges in the context of circular
economy implementation: difficult quantification of advantages, lack of customer
education, technological limitations, missing economies of scale, and insufficient
practical experience.
The first sub-category is the difficulty in quantifying the advantages of investing
in a circular economy. Decisions made at organizations are based on a robust fact
base such as business-case calculations that show a positive return on investments.
When it comes to the circular economy, organizations often lack the experience
and the data to be able to show the return an investment will deliver. The circular
economy is not yet a proven concept therefore the challenge for organizations is to
formulate meaningful arguments that support the decision made by the leadership
to implement the concept. The interviewee of case Theta explained the challenge as