Exploratory Study on Circular Economy Approaches A Comparative Analysis of Theory and Practice

(Rick Simeone) #1

130 6 Summary and Implications

6.2 Implications for Research

6.2 Implications for Research

The findings contribute to several different fields of the current academic research,

which are presented in the following paragraphs. This thesis extends the literature

on circular economy in three important ways: firstly by taking a new regional per-

spective, secondly by showing that the implementation of circular economy not

only has benefits for the organizations but also holds some negative impacts, and

thirdly by extending literature on circular economy challenges by adding new and

confirming well-known ones.

First, the study and especially the case selection of the sample shows that circular

economy already plays an important role in the Western countries, and an academic

exploration of the circular economy concept would be rational. Currently academic

literature almost solely focuses on circular economy in China (Naustdalslid 2014;

Liu and Bai 2014; Su et al. 2013; Geng et al. 2012; Geng and Doberstein 2008; Yong

2007; Yuan et al. 2006). Learning more about circular economy in Western countries

can give important insights, help to deepen the understanding of the concept, and

improve its implementation. This might be especially interesting because of the

differences in market structure between China and the Western world. Research on

circular economy in China revealed that not market pressures, but governmental

regulations, are the primary influences on organizational behavior. This means

without regulations most organizations might not be actively involved in the circular

economy movement (Liu and Bai 2014). This implies a major difference of motives

to engage in circular economy between Chinese organizations and Western ones.

Western organizations, and therefore the organizations of this study, voluntarily

decided to engage in circular economy.

Second, one of the purposes of this study was to explore the impacts the im-

plementation of a circular economy has on organizations. The result of this study

clearly shows that the impacts of a circular economy can be positive as well as

negative. The predominantly higher costs for circulatable resources and the high

R&D costs have been negatively perceived by the organizations of this study. On

the positive side additional revenue, competitive advantage and positive brand

image have been identified. This is interesting considering the existing literature

on circular economy impacts. While literature and reports almost solely focus on

positive impacts for organizations, the results of this study show that organizations

also face negative ones. The discrepancy between the findings in literature and those

in the empirical data of this thesis adds a new aspect to the discussion on circular

economy. Literature might lead to the conclusion that circular economy is a concept

with solely positive impacts. However, this study also identified negative impacts

as well as multiple challenges the organizations face during circular economy im-

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