Exploratory Study on Circular Economy Approaches A Comparative Analysis of Theory and Practice

(Rick Simeone) #1

7.2 Limitations and Opportunities for Future Research 137


Better-Life-Index. Observing the development of these measures can provide an

indication of the general well-being of a society. However, there are many different

causes leading to the effects, and it is impossible to directly link the development

to the implementation of circular economy.

Independently from the method, a major challenge for conducting those cost-ben-

efit assessments will be the data accuracy, confidentiality, availability, and quality

of the assessments. The reason for this is that there are many impacts, especially for

the dimensions ecology and society, which are difficult to quantify in both physical

and monetary terms. The bottom line is that there is currently not enough data to

evaluate whether the circular economy is better than a linear economy.

7.2 Limitations and Opportunities for Future Research

7.2 Limitations and Opportunities for Future Research

In this chapter limitations will be presented for the research methodology and the

sample. Starting with the methodology for this thesis in line with other qualitative

studies and inductive research approaches, a number of limitations apply. Due to the

early stage and the exploratory nature of the research topic the dissertation needs

to be regarded as an initial step and starting point to gain a deeper insight into the

circular economy concept, especially due to its implementation in Western countries

as opposed to China, where much work has already been done in the academic field.

The research methodology applied in this project bears the risk of a potential bias

that might occur at different phases of the research project. Conducting the study

means that the researcher selected the cases, asked the questions in the interviews,

and analyzed and interpreted them mainly alone. Although, triangulation was a

measure to reduce the potential bias (as described in chapter 3.1.2), the central role

of the researcher has to be recognized as an influence on the study. A setting with

multiple researchers could support future qualitative research.

Moreover, sampling implies some limitations, which shall be described in

the following. As is quite common in research projects conducting case studies,

a theoretical sampling approach has been chosen. This leads to some boundary

conditions for the developed results.

First, the study is focused on industries producing consumer goods (clothing,

parquet, office chairs, and agribusiness), which are industries in which products are

of lower value and relationships between businesses and consumers are common.

The low value of products might influence certain circular economy decisions

of the organization and have an impact on the challenges the organizations are

facing. Thus, future research should broaden this perspective and investigate the

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