Exploratory Study on Circular Economy Approaches A Comparative Analysis of Theory and Practice

(Rick Simeone) #1

1.2 Research Questions, Scope and Contribution 3


for themselves and the environment. One framework that supports organizations to

successfully incorporate environmental concerns is the circular economy (Gregson

et al. 2015). The circular economy allows business leaders to integrate economic,

environmental and social concerns into the vision of their organizations. It is a

promising concept which provides several possibilities for firms and practitioners

on how the threat of resource scarcity can be turned into business opportunities,

e.g. through the upcycling of old products or repurposing of production wastes.

But it is not only practitioners who have shown a growing interest in the concept,

policy makers have also demonstrated increased attention. A number of policies

have been introduced to support the implementation of the circular economy. As

a result of the growing pressures on natural resources, the European Commission

initiated the European Resource Efficiency Platform (EREP) in 2012. The aim is to

work towards a transition towards a resource-efficient and ultimately regenerative

circular economy (European Commission 2012). Since its foundation, the platform,

consisting of politicians and practitioners, has provided guidelines to promote the

change towards a circular economy and is implementing an enabling framework

for the circular economy.

From an academic perspective, the topic offers great potential to contribute

substantially to the ongoing sustainable transformation discussion (Gregson et al.

2015). Coming back to the studies mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, the

circular economy can result in a promising strategy for organizations to incorporate

environmental concerns with the effect of achieving competitive advantage or any

other positive effect on organizational performance. Gaining a deeper understand-

ing of the concept, its implementation, and also its resulting benefits as well as the

challenges it presents, contributes to the overall sustainability discussion and the

recent debate on the circular economy.

1.2 Research Questions, Scope and Contribution

1.2 Research Questions, Scope and Contribution

As introduced above, little academic attention has been paid so far to the circular

economy except in China where academic papers on the topic have been written

and first results indicate organizational benefits such as cost savings, increased

revenues, and a positive brand image (Geng et al. 2012; Park et al. 2010).

However, the circular economy is a concept which offers a variety of possible

modes of implementation. Consequently, there is no one size fits all solution and

implementation differs from company to company depending on the business

model, industry, country, legislation etc.. For that reason, the textile industry has

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