Exploratory Study on Circular Economy Approaches A Comparative Analysis of Theory and Practice

(Rick Simeone) #1

16 2 Theoretical Foundations

2.3.1 Circular Economy in the Context of other New Economy


As a contrast to the current industrial economy, new types of economies have

emerged and gained enormous popularity within the last decade. ‘Collaborative

economy’, ‘restorative economy’, ‘service economy’ and ‘circular economy’ represent

potential replacements of the current take, make and dispose economy (Ellen

MacArthur Foundation 2012). Some of these alternative economic models can be

divided into sub-concepts, as depicted in Figure 1. In order to acquire a clearer view

on this ‘new economy movement’ the following section provides an overview of

these economic models and their sub-concepts. Since in the literature some of these

concepts are oft en used interchangeably it is sometimes diffi cult to diff erentiate

one concept from another.


Figure 1. In order to acquire a clearer view on this ‘new economy movement’ the

following section provides an overview of these economic models and their sub-

concepts. Since in the literature some of these concepts are often used interchangeably it

is sometimes difficult to differentiate one concept from another.

Fig. 1 Illustration of circular economy in the context of other new economy models
(own illustration)

A collaborative economy is a decentralized economy with networks of individuals

and communities instead of institutions. Th is type of economy aims to change the

way of current production, consumption, fi nance and education ( Botsman 2013).

Other phrases describing this kind of economy are: ‘collaborative consumption’

and ‘sharing economy’ or ‘peer economy’. Th is type of economy brings together

investors and inventors to share, select, produce and distribute new products (e.g.

http://www.quirk.com)) or foster an ideal utilization of products through redistribution

and shared access (e.g. http://www.airbnb.com)..) Examples include e-businesses such as

http://www.zopa.com which illustrates a new way of fi nancing projects through peer-

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