4 Case Description and Within-Case Analysis
4 Case Description and Within-Case Analysis
This chapter provides detailed descriptions of the selected cases as well as a with-
in-case analysis of each case. General information for each case such as company
details and information on the interviewee are given in a table and then a within-case
analysis is conducted the results of which are shared.
The sources of information include transcripts of the interviews undertaken,
field notes and corporate documents containing information about the commitment
of the organization to circular economy (list of documents has been provided in
Table 3 in chapter 3.2.2). These are supplemented with company specifics derived
from the Hoppenstedt company database. In chapters 4 and 5 citations are used
extensively to provide as well as support evidence.
Before giving a description of each case, the parameters used to define the scope
of each within-case analysis are introduced and explained in section 4.1. Case
background information and detailed descriptions follow in section 4.2 through
to section 4.11. Whilst this chapter analyzes each case individually and in depth,
chapter 5 analyzes these results across cases to identify common patterns.
4.1 Definition and Operationalization of Parameters
4.1 Definition and Operationalization of Parameters
In order to investigate the implementation modes of circular economy and the
benefits derived from them as well as the challenges they present it is necessary
to define important aspects. Hence why a brief recap of the framework underly-
ing the analysis will be provided in chapter 4.1.1. Chapter 4.1.2 contains further
parameters which have been used to produce a comprehensive description and
analysis of each case.
© Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature 2018
L. Frodermann, Exploratory Study on Circular EconomyApproaches,
Wirtschaftsethik in der globalisierten Welt, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-21949-9_4