52 4 Case Description and Within-Case Analysis
4.1.1 Framework for Description of Circular Economy
Since circular economy provides aspirational targets for organizations, the ap-
proaches employed when transitioning towards this type of economy differ a lot.
In order to enable the analysis of these approaches in a structured way a framework
has been developed which is explained in chapter 2.3.7.
As described in the previous chapter, the framework is a combination of the
Schumpeterian differentiation between the different types of innovation, and the
five business models for circular economy as identified by Accenture. Since the
framework has already been presented in detail in chapter 2.3.7 only a quick recap
of it will be provided in the next section.
Only three types of innovation out of five have been found relevant for the
framework: product innovation, process innovation and business model innovation.
These three innovation types constitute the first level of distinction. As a second
level, the business models for circular economy implementation have been selected.
The field of application for each business case were checked in order to sort them
into the correct type of innovation. Organizations can implement either just one
or multiple approaches to transform their business towards circular economy.
Table 4 Analysis framework for this thesis
Innovation Type Circular Economy Approach Organization
(Changes the
Circular Supplies (e.g. creation of products which
are fully recyclable)
Resource recovery (e.g. creation of new products to
use up left-overs from the production line)
Remanufacturing (e.g. implementation of new
products which can be built from the reusable
parts of the original product)
Process Innova-
tion (Changes the
Circular Supplies (e.g. use of renewable energy for
the production line)
(Changes or adds
a business model)
Sharing Platform (e.g. enable customers to extend
the use of their products)
Product as a Service (e.g. sell the products access,
internalize the lifecycle management)
Product Life Extension (e.g. gather used products
and resell them if possible, replace certain parts of
the product)