Exploratory Study on Circular Economy Approaches A Comparative Analysis of Theory and Practice

(Rick Simeone) #1

4.2 Background Information on the Cases and Case Order 53


Table 4 is the resulting framework and has been used in the analysis to document

which implementation approaches a case has chosen. The table completed as part

of each case description also provides a comprehensible and comparable overview

for the cross-case analysis which follows later in this thesis. It is not only fully

implemented business models that have been considered in the analysis. If organi-

zations had partially implemented or scheduled approaches this was also included

in the results table.

4.1.2 Further Parameters used for the Description of the Cases

In order to answer the key questions of this thesis, cases have been analyzed

regarding their motives, challenges and benefits. The cases are at different stages

in the implementation of their circular economy approach with some being right

at the beginning of their transition. As a result, benefits which are currently only

theoretical and have not yet been practically confirmed are also listed in the case

descriptions. The same holds true for challenges. Some organizations describe the

challenges they have encountered more generally rather than being specific about

these challenges. However, to include as much information as possible into the

description and to draw an exhaustive picture this approach is appropriate.

4.2 Background Information on the Cases and Case Order

4.2 Background Information on the Cases and Case Order

The table below provides background information on the interviewees for each case.

The sources of this data were either the transcripts of the interview with them, the

corporate homepage or the Hoppenstedt Company Database. To keep a necessary

degree of anonymization the outlined information is brief.

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