Exploratory Study on Circular Economy Approaches A Comparative Analysis of Theory and Practice

(Rick Simeone) #1

58 4 Case Description and Within-Case Analysis

clothes repair issues and how to take care of their product i.e. water and stain

repellant to ensure it has a long life.

4.3.2 Motivation to engage in Circular Economy

Since its formation in 1973, the company’s vision has been ‘to use’ the organization

to inspire others to save and foster the environment. No harm should be done to

the environment through their production process or products. This vision drives

case Alpha’s commitment to sustainability. The motivation is a very personal one

and stems from the company founders love of the environment. The founder and

all of his employees were and still are outdoor athletes at the time the organization

was founded. Since it was in nature that they performed their sports this instilled

in them the need to protect the environment in which they practiced and played

their sports. The interviewee states: “Well at the time the company was formed all

of us were outdoor athletes so we were committed to the protection of the outdoors

which is where we did our sports.”

Organization Alpha’s founder and employees were spurred into action by a

conflict that arose with the city council regarding a development project right be-

hind the organization’s office. The city council proposed a project to straighten the

city’s river in a way that would have destroyed all wildlife. One citizen’s decision to

protest against the city council and draw attention to the consequences for wildlife

and nature led to the termination of the project. Furthermore, it encouraged the

founder to support both individual and non-profit organizations working to protect

the environment and conserve biodiversity.

It is interesting to note that organization Alpha did not mention any commercial

motivation for its commitment to circular economy.

4.3.3 Challenges for the Implementation

With implementing such a comprehensive circular economy approach the organi-

zation has encountered several challenges.

The first challenge is the lack of customer education which the organization

discovered through their recycling initiative. Since 2008, all company-own stores

offer a service whereby they take back used clothes for recycling purposes. Although

this initiative has been running for approximately six years, its take-up by custom-

ers is low. Approximately 1 percent of the recycled polyester used in production

could be provided through this activity. The reason for this low participation is,

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