Exploratory Study on Circular Economy Approaches A Comparative Analysis of Theory and Practice

(Rick Simeone) #1

76 4 Case Description and Within-Case Analysis

4.7 Case Epsilon

4.7 Case Epsilon

4.7.1 The Company’s Circular Economy Approach

The organization started to implement the circular economy approach about five

years ago and therefore already has some experience in this area. The circular

economy approach of the organization in case Epsilon can be clustered into four

circular economy approaches. All four circular economy approaches and the specific

initiatives of this organization are explained below.

Ta b l e 11 Overview of circular economy approach of case Epsilon^2

Innovation Type Circular Economy Approach Organization
(Changes the

Circular Supplies (e.g. creation of products which
are fully recyclable)


Resource recovery (e.g. creation of new products to
use up left-overs from the production line)
Remanufacturing (e.g. implementation of new
products which can be built from the reusable parts
of the original product)
(Changes the

Circular Supplies (e.g. use of renewable energy for
the production line)


(Changes or adds
a business model)

Sharing Platform (e.g. enable customers to extend
the use of their products)
Product as a Service (e.g. sell the products access,
internalize the lifecycle management)


Product Life Extension (e.g. gather used products
and resell them if possible, replace certain parts of
the product)


The first circular economy approach the organization of case Epsilon has applied is

circular supplies on product level, more specifically the implementation of circular

product lines. In 2010, the organization began to implement the Cradle-to-Cradle

concept and today has three circular product lines. These product lines contain

2 X in brackets means that a certain business model is currently in test phase but not yet
fully implemented.

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